Digital Transformation

A Digital, Interactive Infographic

Project Summary

My Role: Visual Designer

Timeline: 1 Month

Tools Used: Illustrator, WordPress Beaver Builder

Project Type: Responsive webpage

Background: This infographic captures the main themes and high-impact investments that actually have changed how universities operate. Of course, no institution needs to adopt every one of these trends—but knowing the landscape can accelerate movement in the right direction. Each high-impact investment is also based on real case studies that have been successfully scaled across a university.

My Process

Design and Iterate

I began by reading over the content and doing some background research to make sure I clearly understood what this infographic would need to portray. Once I got some grounding I came up with a few mid-fidelity comps to share with the team. The main priority (and sometimes biggest challenge) with any infographic is organizing the content in a way that’s engaging but easy to skim.

This process was very iterative and below you can see how much the content changed with each round.

First round of mid-fidelity layout of the Digital Transformation Infographic
Round 1 of comps
Second round of mid-fidelity layout of the Digital Transformation Infographic
Round 2 of comps
Third round of mid-fidelity layout of the Digital Transformation Infographic
Round 3 of comps

Finalize and Launch

Once we had the print version of the infographic figured out, I focused on the digital side of things. In order to create a consistent user journey, I envisioned that we use a simple, layered circle scheme for the banners/header backgrounds. For the digital infographic, I thought would be really powerful to continue to use the satellite as a visual metaphor for the technology being used to address the core operational challenges of our partner institutions.

Social Assets

Concept Pitch


Access to Broadband Infographic


Healthylife Branding